Nightly Musings in Sweltering Circumstances…

Hello World,

imagesCA4ZGTF7Hope you’re all well and enjoying the weather. I’m uncomfortably hot like this dude here (despite a cool shower a few minutes ago) and because I couldn’t get to sleep, I wondered what I could do to while the heat away. Which is when I jumped onto my laptop, because writing is always good. I find it a lovely way to just chill out, and it’s probably the few times I’m totally at peace with myself.

So, how has your week been? It’s been a busy few days; the Glasgow Commonwealth Games are now in full force and my colleague has taken two weeks’ annual leave to join in the fun and celebrations. I guess I kind of envy him. Not because I’m stuck in the office for the best part of the day whilst he tops up his tan whilst watching world class sports on his doorstep, but because he’s taking time out for something he’s passionate about.

The past week has been a “blah week” on the writing front. As in I didn’t get any writing done whatsoever. Nil. Zilch. Nada. And when that happens, I feel guilty, a little frustrated and annoyed at myself. I did have a good excuse; it was my birthday on Friday and it was a crazy busy week at work, so maybe I should cut myself some slack. But as any true writer knows, excuses shouldn’t stand in the way of writing. Therefore I hereby solemnly declare to write at least 5K words by the end of this week. See, I’m feeling better already.

What else is new, I hear you ask? Changes are afoot (I always thought that was an odd turn of phrase, but I’ll use it here because it’s hot and the humidity is addling my brain).

Onto a more serious topic; upon careful consideration, I have decided to take on additional duties of an extra-curricular activity, which I have been thinking about for a long time. I really wish I could spill, but I really, really can’t. I promise to update you as soon as I can, but for now, rest assured, I’m trying in vain to keep it buttoned. All I can say, is that it’s been something of a hobby of mine, which has developed into a passion over the past few years and which I will be actively pursuing over the course of the next few months.

What else..? The Dude is away for the weekend and I’ve got a friend visiting from Leicester for a girlie night in (I can’t wait) and I’m trying my hardest to focus on that instead of the blood test I have tomorrow morning. Me and needles don’t get along. I’m fine with being tattooed and pierced, it’s just the whole concept of drawing blood, you know? It’s morbid and I’m really really not looking forward to it.

Ok, this is one of the more contemplative posts I have written in a long time and my, it feels good. I’m going to try and write a few hundred words on a Work In Progress, so I must dash now.

Ciao for now, see you on the other side, don’t let the bed-bugs bite blah de blah…
