Tag: author

Stay focused and get those mood boards out!

Stay focused and get those mood boards out!

Hi all, how are you doing? I was updating my mood board yesterday and I’m in middle of sourcing gorgeous images for it. I think it’s a great idea to stay focused and keep goals for the year at the forefront of your mind. Has 2016 been all you hoped it would be? It’s been a good year for me so far. …

Trials of an author… and NaNoWriMo

Trials of an author… and NaNoWriMo

Hey guys, how are you doing, what have you been up to? It’s been a crazy busy few weeks, as I covered food festivals across the country (my favourite sorts of gigs). Of course being out on the road meant that I got zero (fictional) writing done. Juggling a day job, the food blogging and writing books is great fun,…

Derby BookCakeClub, Cookbook Launch & a whole bunch more!

Derby BookCakeClub, Cookbook Launch & a whole bunch more!

Hello All, How have you been? I hope you’ve had a great weekend. What has this Derby foodie been up to? Quite a lot, actually. From attending our third Derby BookCakeClub, and a Cookbook launch, and trialling a whole bunch of recipes in my test kitchen AND discovering a delicious Indian restaurant down the road from where I live (review…